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Women + Money = Power

Let’s make it happen

I am CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professional who provides fee only, hourly planning. I always act as a fiduciary.

I know a lot of brilliant, progressive women* who are totally in charge of their lives but not fully in charge of their money. That’s a missed opportunity — one that limits your dreams and freedom. And that’s not ok with me.

*by women, I mean any person who identifies as a woman or was socialized as a female. Gender socialization can play an enormous role in our knowledge, beliefs, and feelings surrounding money.

Hi I’m Maura Madden, CFP®. I’m a feminist financial planner and work with midlife women* (30s-50s) and their families. My clients are passionately committed to equity. Some are already making a good living on their own while others do not have paid employment but still want to be financial equals in their relationships.

I want you to be able to dream about your future and then make it happen, financially. That means upping your financial game — and really, truly getting in the game. No more set it and forget it. No more avoiding. No more doing the bare minimum. No more letting other people tell you what to do with your money. This is your money and your life and you are the boss of it.

Let’s make sure you have the skills — and the concrete plan! — you need to be the best money-manager your life has ever seen.

Because women + money = power